Design Studio as laboratory for interactions between architectural education and society
Design Studio has always been the backbone of architectural education, the driving force of architecture development and the nucleus of architectural debate.
Today’s society confronts us with demanding questions for which no preconceived solutions are available. This calls for socially aware design experimentation. Can the studio raise this new awareness, preparing future architects to become agents of transformation?
This conference is framed as a studio in itself. It entails practice, education and research. The participants are invited to question, inquire and debate the relationship between architectural education and society.
Design Studio: schizophrenia?
The studio as a place of confrontation between education and practice
Participation or independency
Architectural educator or teaching architect
Design Studio: the new awareness
Responding to increasing complexity
Taking positions through design
Changing roles
Design Studio: emerging insights
Reflective research climate
Research by/for design
Knowledge translator
Annual Conference + General Assembly 2018
Design Studio as laboratory for interactions between architectural education and society
at the Faculty of Architecture – University of Porto, Portugal
August 29th – September 1st, 2018
Scientific Committee / Organising Committee
João Pedro Xavier
Hugo Dworzak
Johan De Walsche
Tadeja Zupančič
Steering Comittee
Oya Atalay Franck
Manuel Couceiro da Costa
Ilaria Valente
Koenraad Van Cleempoel
Sally Stewart
Organising Committee FAUP
João Pedro Xavier →
José Miguel Rodrigues →
Raquel Paulino →
Teresa Calix →
Marta Rocha →
Secretariat FAUP
Cláudia Almeida →
Suzana Araújo →
Carolina Medeiros →
Lúcia Sousa →
Secretariat EAAE
Inge Lens