Diploma Project Exhibition

FAUP, Portugal, August 29th – September 28th, 2018
Since its creation, in Porto, Architecture Teaching has been based on an eminently practical formation, in a desired and affirmed approach of the students to the exercise of architecture in real and professional context.
In 1936, five years after the publication of 1931 Reform, which reinforced an individual and artistic training in architecture, there was a reformulation of the model of conclusion of the course with the regulation of the CODA, Competition for Obtaining the Diploma of Architect. In a growing approach to real problems and contexts of intervention and in a moment of paradigm shift in the teaching of architecture, marked by the transition from a curriculum of formation of Beaux-Arts matrix to a Modern matrix curriculum, over four decades, several CODA were presented.
Under the direction of Marques da Silva and Carlos Ramos, three generations of architects formed architects in EBAP and ESBAP – Porto School of Fine Arts and Porto Superior School of Fine Arts – among which stand out Viana de Lima, Delfim Amorim, Mário Bonito, José Carlos Loureiro, Fernando Távora and Álvaro Siza contributed, through their pedagogical and professional practice, to the renovation and prestige achieved by the Porto School.
In July 1941, Viana de Lima presented his CODA based on the development of a Public Library project. In 1947, in May and December, Delfim Amorim and Mário Bonito developed projects for a house and for an exhibition pavilion. In April and May of 1950 and in May of 1965, José Carlos Loureiro, Fernando Távora and Álvaro Siza also developed projects through which they explored new conceptions for housing program, along with a new architectural language.
The CODA was followed by the presentation and discussion of an Internship Report, which was eminently practical and was then followed by the presentation and discussion of an essentially theoretical Final Work. In 2008, in the context of the process of adaptation to the Bologna Declaration, the Architecture Course of the Porto School was renamed MIArq – Integrated Master in Architecture – and a new reformulation occurred. The course conclusion model started to be, from that moment until today, the elaboration and public presentation of a Dissertation.
In 2017, Ana Fontainhas, Fábio Santos, Flora di Martino, Francisco Ferreira, Francisco Pereira, Francisco Sá, Inês Beleza and Pedro Xavier presented and defended their MIArq dissertations, integrating the group of students who choose to develop a theoretical- practical dissertation, which is structured through the development of a project and a critical reflection that starts and develops around the project.
With this exhibition are placed side by side different models of conclusion of the architecture course at the Porto School, from the 1930s to the present, based on a selection of CODAs and MIArq dissertations that share in common the development and presentation of projects.
Diploma Project
August 29th – September 28th
FAUP Auditorium Lobby
10:00 – 19:00, Monday to Friday
(closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
Free admission.
Curators: Raquel Paulino and Rodrigo Coelho
Organization: FAUP
Drawing: © Fernando Távora, A House over the Sea, 1950. Centro de Documentação FAUP